

Your donations help us provide more services and programs for disabled individuals. Donate today!

Hozhoni Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization, tax ID #86-0255127, and a Qualified Charitable Organization in Arizona (QCO 20766). Donors may be eligible to claim a tax credit of up to $800 per couple, $400 per individual. Please consult a tax professional for more information.

You can donate to us online with the PayPal button below. PayPal processes our online donations, but you do not need a PayPal account.

Fry’s Community Rewards

Support the Hozhoni Foundation just by shopping at Fry’s! To enroll in Fry’s Community Rewards, sign up with your V.I.P Card at Fry’s Community Rewards Program, and select Hozhoni. Once you’re enrolled, you’ll earn rewards for the Hozhoni Foundation every time you shop and use your V.I.P Card, and it’s free to participate!

Annual Golf Tournament

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